Health and Fitness Chiropractic Clinic

6137 Executive Blvd
Rockville, MD 20852-3901
fax: 301-770-9540


Payment Methods

MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, Cash

Insurance Accepted

Preferred Participating Provider Blue Cross/Blue Shield/Blue ChoicePPO and HMO, Pref. Particip. Prov. Cigna, Pref. Particip.Prov. United Healthcare, Pref. Particip.Prov. MAMSI/MAPSI/MDIPA/Alliance, Particip. Prov. Medicare

Driving Directions

Take 270 to Montrose Rd Exit (East), 2 miles turn right on Executive Blvd and then take second left turn just before the next traffic light into Exec. Office Park...our ground floor corner office faces the traffic light. From Washington, D.C. take Wisconsin Ave to Rockville Pike (Rt 355)and left on Montrose, left on Executive Blvd. From Bethesda take Old Georgetown Rd to Rockville, left on Executive Blvd. and first right after the traffic light into office complex.
There is easy access from the metro and bus and parking is free.

Hours openclose openclose
Sunday ClosedBy Appointment By AppointmentBy Appointment
Monday 8:00 AM7:00 PM On CallOn Call
Tuesday 7:00 AM2:00 PM By AppointmentBy Appointment
Wednesday 8:00 AM7:00 PM On CallOn Call
Thursday By AppointmentBy Appointment ClosedClosed
Friday 7:00 AM2:00 PM By AppointmentBy Appointment
Saturday 7:00 AM2:00 PM By AppointmentBy Appointment

We can often accomodate new patients with a same day appointment.
